Aveyond lord of twilight thail mountains south map
Aveyond lord of twilight thail mountains south map

aveyond lord of twilight thail mountains south map

After the creation of the Dark Portal, the Horde was organized at Hellfire Citadel and marched up the Path of Glory to what they called the " Stair of Destiny". It was from this location that the final battle against the draenei, at Shattrath, was organized and carried out. The fortress was intended to be the primary staging ground of the military forces of the Horde, whereas the captured Temple of Karabor (now the Black Temple) would be used for meetings of the Shadow Council. After the orcs' abandonment of the elemental spirits, the area around it became known as Hellfire Peninsula, and thus the citadel was given its current name. Hellfire Citadel was originally referred to as simply "the Citadel", and was built as the fortress of Blackhand, the first Warchief of the Horde. Hellfire Citadel before the destruction of Draenor This video is now somewhat outdated, as some of the boss fights have been changed (such as Broggok) since this video was taken.

  • Hellfire Citadel Boss VideoHere's a video of the boss fights in Hellfire Citadel, thanks to War Front,Frostmane US.
  • For access to Heroic Mode instances, one must first have Honored Reputation with Honor Hold or Thrallmar, and then buy the Flamewrought Key from Logistics Officer Ulrike or Quartermaster Urgronn Quartermasters in Honor Hold and Thrallmar respectively.
  • aveyond lord of twilight thail mountains south map

    Magtheridon will be the boss of the raid wing.

  • Final Boss: Kargath Bladefist will be the boss of the The Shattered Halls.
  • Magtheridon's Lair (Level 70, 25 player raid, similar to Onyxia's Lair).
  • Bosses: Grand Warlock Nethekurse - Blood Guard Porung - Warbringer O'mrogg - Warchief Kargath Bladefist.
  • The Shattered Halls (Level 70-72 mobs, 5 player groups).
  • The Blood is Life ω τ ϖ (Followup to Ominous Letter).
  • Bosses: The Maker - Broggok - Keli'dan the Breaker.
  • Blood Furnace (Level 61-63 mobs, 5 player groups).
  • Bosses: Watchkeeper Gargolmar - Vazruden & Nazan - Omor the Unscarred.
  • Hellfire Ramparts (Level 60-62 mobs, 5 player groups).

  • Aveyond lord of twilight thail mountains south map